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[LIVE] What Can Indonesia Do to Make It a GW-Level Installation Country


Solar Energy Opportunities in Indonesia, Considering the Updated Regulation and Circumstances

Yogi Adhi Satria

Business Development Manager, Berkeley Energy Indonesia

Regional Grid and Cross-Country Electricity Trade as a Catalyst for GW-Scale Solar PV Implementation

Andre Susanto

Chief Technology Officer, Quantum Power Asia Pte Ltd

Enforcement of SNI Photovoltaic Certification to Assure Product Quality and Safety

Thyara Dwina Ramadhany

Account Manager, PT TUV Rheinland Indonesia


  1. Where can I get the materials from the speakers of “What can Indonesia do to make it a GE-level installation country” webinar?
    Materials from Mr. Satria, Mr.Susanto, and Ms. Ramadhany..

  2. Dear All Panelist

    I have a different insight about export electricity singapore project. Is not about the technology is not about potential Energy is only because of in Indonesia the one that can do an export electricity is hold by PLN (persero). So, i think if you want to make this project happend (Eksport Electricity) Singapore must have an agreement with PLN then PLN make an agreement to IPP to build the facility. So i think EMA or Singapore must request an export electricity agreement with PLN and let PLN do the proccurement for the facility, of course the power purchase agreement (PPA) must make between Singapore and PLN, not Singapore with Indonesian IPP. If Singapore wanna do PPA with Indonesia IPP the main problem is export electricity permits won’t be gived to them (IPP) and the IPP will get the law problem seriously.

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