-4.2 C

NUS researchers bring perovskite/organic tandem solar cell efficiency to record 23.6%

A team of researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) has set a new record in the conversion efficiency of perovskite/organic tandem solar cells. The technological breakthrough is believed to pave the way for the manufacturing of flexible, light, low cost and ultra-thin solar cells.

Asst Prof Hou Yi (right), Dr Chen Wei (left) holding the perovskite/organic tandem solar cell. Photo: NUS

The conversion efficiency of the cell has reached a record 23.6%, which is the best performance for this type of solar cells, according to Dr. Chen Wei, Research Fellow at the NUS Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.

Professor Hou Yi, Head of Perovskite-based Multijunction Solar Cell Groups at Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS) at NUS, explained that, “High power conversion efficiency of solar cells is critical for generating more electrical power using a limited area and this, in turn, reduces the total cost of generating solar energy.”

The research is a major leap forward from about 20% conversion efficiency demonstrated by other studies on perovskite/organic tandem solar cells. The efficiency has taken a giant step towards the 26.7% efficiency of silicon solar cells.

Watch the replay of the webinar with Prof. Hou Yi and Prof. Mai Yaohua discussing the properties and prospects of perovskite cells.

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